Title This: WWE Battleground Reaction Solid Card With Predictable Finishes

file_177485_0_themiz_display_imageI do not think people like this decision, but I do. I really enjoyed the Battle Royal because there was a little bit of everything. Kofi did his usual spots, while Cesaro used his brute strength to look impressive. Bo Dallas got a big pop and celebrated in the ring. The end came when everyone thought Ziggler got his big moment back. Miz sneaks in and tosses him out. 

This was the perfect ending for this match. Miz stole a victory and heads to L.A. with a championship around his waist. While I do see Sheamus/Miz for a title unification, I would not mind an addition of Ziggler since he has held both titles. Either way, this could be a sign that WWE wants to unify the titles. Are you in favor of unification?

@JoshIsenberg4 with who you think SHOULD have won tonight. I still believe The miz was logical and the best choice, right now. 

WZZ 6.5

Kane and Orton work well together in the beginning until Kane gets in his face. Orton hits a double DDT and Kane breaks up the pin. Kane smacks Orton in the face and hits a big boot. Reigns drops Kane with a body slam and gets a two count. Orton and Reigns are now fighting back and forth. Cena locks in an STF and then hits AA onto Kane.  He locks in the STF once again onto Randy Orton and he reaches the ropes.  Reigns stops Orton from tapping out and sends Orton over the announce table. Finally, Cena and Reigns get face to face in the middle of the ring. Punch after punch, cheer after boo, Reigns gets in control.  Cena reverses it and trips up Reigns. Reigns hits a Samoan Drop and is setting up a Superman Punch.  Cena counters with a side suplex and a 5 Knuckle Shuffle, but Reigns hits a Superman Punch out of nowhere.  Reigns hits a Spear and Kane saves the match. Reigns ducks a kick and hits a clothesline. The two monsters in the match brawl back and forth. Reigns hits a running kick to Cena, then Orton and then Kane. Reigns spears Orton through the barricade. Kane tries a chokeslam and Reigns powers out. He hits a Spear onto Kane and Cena BARELY saves the match.  Kane hits a few big moves and Reigns is able to Spear Kane. Randy Orton hits an RKO and Cena hits an AA onto Orton who crashes onto Kane. 

John Cena wins, Randy Orton and Kane break down and Roman Reigns still looks to be the star of the match. His speed goes from 0-60 in about three seconds. I was really entertained by this match, even though I thought Triple H would somehow cost Roman Reigns the championship. Also, there was no Brock Lesnar. WWE missed it on the ending to keep people talking. Instead, WWE will have Lesnar return tomorrow night without John Cena there. It seems like WWE was focusing on Roman Reigns falling short. 

Is it obvious we see Reigns vs. Triple H, Cena vs. Lesnar and Rollins vs. Ambrose at SummerSlam? Do these matches make you want to buy it?

WZ 7.5

The Final WWE Battleground Score is:

WZ 7

What Do You Score WWE Battleground? @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter.
