5 South Africans make mother's day super special during lockdown

- Mother's Day is a special time when we honour the sacrifices our moms have made

- All across South Africa, people are wishing their moms a happy Mother's Day

- We have found 5 extra special things that people have done for their moms on this special day

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Mother's day is a very special time. We pay tribute to the amazing women who make us the people we are today. It is through their sacrifices and selfless love that we are given the opportunities we enjoy today.

We learned that South Africans from around the country did something special for their own mothers and mothers across the country to show their appreciation for these amazing women.

Cornelius Hlungwani @Corn_hlungwani: He took the time to make his mom's gift personal. He didn't buy her anything fancy, instead, he prepared a simple meal and decorated it with handpicked flowers.

That Food Guy @Mr_Ndash: He made a carrot cake for mother's day, from the tweet we can assume it is for the mother of his children. It looks delicious.

On the #ImStaying group on Facebook some South Africans have revealed what they received for Mother's Day and it definitely gives us a warm fuzzy feeling, knowing that our moms are so appreciated.

Ladyt Ladyt posted about the amazing cake she received from her 3-year-old son and looked back at how amazing it was to raise her prince.

"It seems like just yesterday when we taking power naps because of nightshifts we had together &today he baked me a very special cakemy 3year old ever so thoughtful & sweet my little girls decorated the wall, they slept very late last night just to make a momma feel special""This is the best Mother's Day Ever! Hope your Mommies is as good as mine, Have a Blessed day❤️"

Siya Gunya Art paid tribute to all the moms out there with his amazing painting, showing a mom carrying her child on her back.

"To all the Mothers out there❤Happy mother's day❤May they get spoilt❤This artwork is the least I could do to appreciate the strength of all the mothers out there ❤"

Melanie Canham received an amazing letter from her daughter on Mother's Day. It is so beautifully written that it really makes all those sacrifices worth it.

"Been a single mom is not easy but when I received a mother's day letter from my baby girl its all worth it"

In other news, We reported that South Africa may be under lockdown at the moment but the love between mothers and their children knows no bounds.

We and citizens made sure they expressed their gratitude for the hard work put into raising them.

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